Hepatitis b ppt 2010 torrent

Updates on hepatitis b and c treatment guidelines and overview of hepatitis. Thus, the time is right to create new opportunities for prevention, including establishing goals and strategies for disease control, increasing education and promoting screening and treatment of the 500 million or so people already infected with hepatitis b and c viruses. Immunization is a very effective method of preventing hepatitis b. Global prevalence, treatment, and prevention of hepatitis. High levels of alanine aminotransferase alt and aspartate aminotransferase ast, within a range of 2000 iuml, is the hallmark of this stage of hbv disease, although values 100 times above the upper limit of normal uln can be also be identified. Chronic hepatitis b virus hbv infection is a dynamic state of interactions among hbv.

Feb 27, 2011 hepatitis b hbv infection is endemic in many southeast asian countries, in some pacific islands, and in some african countries1,3, with seroprevalence rates in excess of 8% in the general population leading to 25%40% of those infected developing cirrhosis or hepatocellular cancer hcc. Wha has announced the launch of this is hepatitis a new campaign theme for world hepatitis day 2010 and 2011 aims to tell the human story of viral hepatitis and continue the battle of raising awareness of hepatitis b and c around the world. This table shows sex ratios among the children of carrier and noncarrier parents in four regions. A document prepared for strategic advisory group of. All specialties including cardiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, dentistry, hepatology, nephrology, neurology powerpoints and templates are free for download.

Immunoprophylaxis affords a relatively brief period of protection weeks to a few months. Hepatitis b virus hbv is a global health problem that can lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma hcc. A free powerpoint ppt presentation displayed as a flash slide show on id. Chronic hepatitis b virus hbv infection affects about 350 million individuals worldwide. Your liver helps your body digest the food you eat and store energy. Management of chronic hepatitis b infection the bmj. During the consultation he mentions that his 64 year. Hepatitis b is a germ virus that gets into your body and attacks your liver. The designations employed and the presentation of the information in this document do not imply the. Hepatitis b is spread through sexual contact homosexual and heterosexual, needle sharing, needle stick injury, mucous membrane exposure, and direct contact with infected body fluids. The immunization action coalition s iac comprehensive guidebook hepatitis b. Hepatitis ppt free download as powerpoint presentation.

Acute infection may cause nonspecific symptoms, such as fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, lowgrade fever, jaundice, and dark urine. Hepatitis b virus genetic variability and evolution pdf. It can also be used to make presentations on hepatitis b and a vaccine birth dose on babies or to make presentations and slide decks on preventable diseases. In lowrisk populations, routine screening for chronic infection or immunity is not recommended. Of the people infected with hepatitis b, 10% become chronic carriers and may develop cirrhosis and an increased susceptibility to liver cancer. The 69th world health assembly approved the global health sector strategy to eliminate viral hepatitis by 2030.

Millions of people worldwide are infected through unprotected sexual contact, hematogenous spread, or maternalfetal transmission. Viral hepatitis pres eng world health organization. If so, share your ppt presentation slides online with. For the first time in history, hepatitis c is curable.

There appears to be no transmission of hepatitis b via tears, sweat, urine, and stool or droplet nuclei airborne. Interpretation of viral hepatitis laboratory test results cp012a september, 2010 to be read in conjunction with the ontario association of medical laboratories oaml guidelines for ordering diagnostic testing for viral hepatitis clp012 september, 2010 revision. Chronic hepatitis b virus infection is a global public health threat that causes considerable liverrelated morbidity and mortality. It has been led by the world hepatitis alliance since 2007 and in may 2010, it received. More effective and less resistanceprone antiviral agents are now available to treat hepatitis b virus hbv infection.

Although hbv vaccination has reduced the prevalence of hbv infection, the burden of disease remains high. Cheatham md, cpt, mc, in giliver secrets fourth edition, 2010. Hepatitis a hav, hepatitis b virus hbv, and hepatitis c virus hcv are prevalent and infectious causes of liver disease. Prevalence and risk factors of hepatitis b virus infection in bahrain. It is acquired at birth or later via persontoperson transmission. Personnel in high risk groups, must show confirmation of vaccination against. Hepatitis b virus replication and integration simon larsson department of infectious diseases, institute of biomedicine sahlgrenska academy at university of gothenburg goteborg, sweden abstract chronic infection with hepatitis b virus hbv affects 240 million people worldwide and may cause liver disease including hepatocellular carcinoma hcc. Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about hepatitis b lecture ppt. Describe the pathophysiology of the hepatitis b virus, including transmission and virus replication. View and download powerpoint presentations on pathogenesis of hepatitis ppt. Hepatitis b is a serious and common infectious diseases of the liver, affecting millions of people throughout the world. Not only does viral hepatitis carry a high morbidity, but it also stresses medical resources and can have severe economic consequences.

Hepatitis b virus is transmitted in blood and secretions. It is up to 100 times more infectious than the hivaids virus. Presentations ppt, key, pdf logging in or signing up. Ordering and interpreting hepatitis b serology the bmj. Surveillance and prevention of hepatitis b and c in europe ecdc.

The burden of hbv and hcv related cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. It is also the primary cause of liver cancer also known as hepatocellular carcinoma or hcc, which is the 2 nd leading cause of cancer deaths in the world. The incubation period for hepatitis b is 45 to 160 days. Interpretation of viral hepatitis laboratory test results. Data were collected by testing married women and, in all cases except for greenland, their husbands for hbv. Hepatitis b is an infectious disease caused by the hepatitis b virus hbv that affects the liver. In 2010 the world health assembly adopted resolution wha63. Use of enhanced surveillance for hepatitis c virus infection to detect a cluster among young injectiondrug usersnew york, november 2004april 2007. Dec 25, 2012 hepatitis b medical powerpoint presentation medicaldump. View and download powerpoint presentations on hepatitis b lecture ppt.

Hepatitis b power point slides free medical powerpoint. Lamivudine prophylaxis reduces the incidence and severity of hepatitis in hepatitis b virus carriers who receive chemotherapy for lymphoma. Presentation on viral hepatitis powerpoint 20 download. Chronic hepatitis b virus hbv infection is a global public health issue.

The severe pathological consequences of persistent hbv infections include the development of chronic hepatic insufficiency, cirrhosis and hepato cellular carcinoma hcc. Hepatitis b flares in chronic hepatitis b journal of hepatology. Hepatitis b is a disease caused by the hepatitis b virus hbv, discovered in 1965 by baruch blumberg at the national institutes of health. The book breaks new ground as a policy and best practices guide for newborn hepatitis b immunization. Auflage, georg thieme verlag, 2010, isbn 319625, s. Sex differences in response to hepatitis b virus, arthritis and rheumatism,22, 1261, 1979 hepatitis b and sex ratio notes.

Find powerpoint presentations and slides using the power of, find free presentations research about pathogenesis of hepatitis ppt. Cirrhosis is more common in those also infected with hepatitis b, schistosoma, or hiv, in alcoholics and in those of male gender. Hepatitis b is not transmitted through casual contactsuch as hugging or shaking hands. Worldwide hepatitis c is the cause of 27% of cirrhosis cases and 25% of hepatocellular carcinoma. Andes, md associate professor, university of wisconsin school of medicine and public health, madison, wisconsin cephalosporins fred y.

Although the disease cannot be cured effectively, disease management has been improved over the past decade. The nchhstp atlasplus is an online, interactive tool that gives you the power to analyze, map, and create tables using hiv, viral hepatitis, std, and tb data that are reported to cdc using the nchhstp atlasplus, you can do the following create custom maps and bar graphs using hiv, viral hepatitis, std, or tb data nchhstp atlasplus has 15 disease. Ppt the abcs of viral hepatitis diagnosis powerpoint. The abcs of viral hepatitis diagnosis is the property of its rightful owner. Spectrum of disease acute hbv infection 90% neonates 2530% children progressive chronic hepatitis cirrhosis hcc death decompensated cirrhosis inactivecarrier state easl consensus guidelines. Aoki, md professor, departments of medicine, medical microbiology, pharmacology, and therapeutics, university of manitoba faculty of medicine. Immunoprophylaxis an overview sciencedirect topics.

I discovered the 60sec habit that reversed my type 2 diabetes and melted away 56lbs of fat and discovered the real cause of diabetes. Hepatitis b virus dna and hepatocellular carcinoma. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Australian government department of immigration and citizenship, 2014 2. Hepatitis b medical powerpoint presentation youtube. Possible forms of transmission include sexual contact, blood transfusions and transfusion with other human blood products, reuse of contaminated needles and syringes. Download hepatitis ppt free shared files from downloadjoy and other worlds most popular shared hosts. What hospitals need to do to protect newborns is a complete resource for helping hospitals and birthing centers establish, implement, and optimize their birth dose policies. More than one risk exposurebehavior may be indicated on each casereport. Hepatitis b virus hbv is a dna virus and was first identified in the. Maintaining tdf in chronic hepatitis b with resistance to adefovir or entecavir. Tidak ada perbedaan pemberian hbig dan vaksinasi hepatitis b pada bayi prematur namun pemberian vaksinasi hepatitis b diberikan dalam 4 kali pemberian yaitu pada bulan ke0, 1, 6, dan 8 bulan. European centre for disease prevention and control, 2010. World hepatitis day 19 may 2010 indian authorstream.

Liaw yf 2009 natural history of chronic hepatitis b infection and longterm outcome under treatment. Many from hepatitis b endemic countries where most hepatitis b infections occur by mothertochild transmission 3,4 growing number of pregnant women infected with hepatitis b attending the geelong hospital for antenatal care and delivery 1. Hepatitis b is not transmitted through kissing, sneezingor coughing. Ppt hepatitis b virus powerpoint presentation free to. The existing seroepidemiological data on viral hepatitis in ethiopia showed a wide variation in prevalence pattern and the clinical and public health burden have been underestimated.

Free vaccine powerpoint template free powerpoint templates. Hepatitis and other liver diseases american family. Hepatitis b virus hbv is a small dna virus and belongs to a group of hepatotropic dna viruses hepadnaviruses1,2. It is a major public health issue in the united states and worldwide. Hepatitis the symptoms of hepatitis c hcv can be similar to hepatitis a and hepatitis b. New therapies are also being developed for hepatitis b and c, and the future is more promising than ever. Hepatitis b is a global public health threat and the worlds most common serious liver infection. The viral genome is a partially doublestranded, circular dna linked to a dna polymerase that is surrounded by an icosahedral nucleocapsid and then by a lipid envelope. Whoeurope presentation on viral hepatitis powerpoint 20.

Hepatitis b is not transmitted through breastfeeding. The introduction of potent nucleostide analogues nas to suppress viral replication represented a giant leap in the control of this disease. This digital version of the 20142016 action plan for the prevention, care, and treatment of viral hepatitis originally released in spring 2014 was updated march 2015. Hepatitis a virus seroprevalence by age and world region, 1990 and 2005 vaccine, 2010, 28. Hepatitis b akut jika perjalanan penyakit kurang dari 6 bulan sedangkan. The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators.

Mar, 2019 hepatitis e is an enterically transmitted infection that is typically selflimited. Hepatitis b european centre for disease prevention and. Surveillance and prevention of hepatitis b and c in europe. Differentiate between hepatitis b infection and other types of hepatitis, including symptoms, patient presentation, testing, and prevention. Hbv infection is preventable through vaccination, most commonly administered in 2 or 3 injections over the course of 6 months. Definisi hepatitis b yang dapat menyebabkan peradangan. Epidemiology and natural course of hbv infection 1. The virus consists of a nucleocapsid and an outer envelope composed mainly of three hepatitis b surface antigens hbsags that play a central role in the diagnosis of hbv infection. In chronically infected patients, an elevated serum hepatitis b virus dna concentration is the main risk factor. The spectrum of the symptomatology of hepatitis b disease varies from subclinical hepatitis to icteric hepatitis to fulminant, acute, and subacute hepatitis during the acute phase, and from an asymptomatic chronic infection state to chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, and hepatocellular carcinoma hcc during the chronic phase.

Acute hepatitis b reports, by risk exposurebehavior united states, 20 a total of 3,050 casereports of acute hepatitis b were received in 20. Hepatitis b infection is a disease of global significance affecting large number of people. Transmission of hepatitis b virus results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids containing blood. Updates on hepatitis b and c treatment guidelines and. Chronic hepatitis b chb infection which embraces a large spectrum of the disease remains to be a serious public health problem globally with over 240 million people being affected and causing 650,000 deaths annually. Hepatitis b hbv and c hcv are viral infections which can cause acute and chronic hepatitis and are the leading causes for hepatic cirrhosis and cancer, thus creating a significant burden to healthcare systems due to the high. May 20, 20 hepatitis b is not transmitted through foodwater. Hep c is a liver infection caused by a virus also known as non a, non b hepatitis. In acute hepatitis b,most adults who get it have it for a short time and then get better. The likelihood that a person develops a chronic infection depends on the age at which someone becomes infected. The prevalence of hepatitis b virus infection in bahrain indicates that bahrain had low hbv endemicity for the last 10 years 20002010. It is caused by the hepatitis e virus hev and is spread by fecally contaminated water within endemic areas. What are some common myths andmisconceptions about hepatitis b.

This collection features afp content on hepatitis and other liver disease, including cirrhosis, chronic liver failure, hemochromatosis, hepatitis a, hepatitis b, hepatitis. Our filtering technology ensures that only latest hepatitis ppt files are listed. Although no virological cure exists for hepatitis b virus hbv infection, existing therapies to control viral replication and prophylaxis to minimise mothertochild transmission make elimination of hbv feasible. Hepatitis b facts and figures hepatitis b foundation. Clinical presentation varies from asymptomatic infection in twothirds of patients to icteric hepatitis and, rarely, fulminant liver failure. About 1030% of those infected develop cirrhosis over 30 years. Introduction viral hepatitis, refers to infections that affect the liver and are caused by viruses. Ppt hepatite b hbv powerpoint presentation free to. Both hbv and hdv contribute to disease progression. Normally fit and well, he presents to his general practitioner for assessment of heartburn. Hepatitis b and c cause a high burden of disease in the who european region, especially among key populations only 1 in 5 persons exposed to the hepatitis b and c virus develops acute symptoms, but chronic infection is common hepatitis b and c each is estimated to affect up to 2% of the population in the region. Summarize the impact of liver disease caused by chronic hepatitis b infection on global public. Jan 07, 2007 molecular virology of hepatitis b virus infection.

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